Tuesday, November 5, 2013

2.  The role of bugs in my life apart from the beneficial aspects of insects like bees and such, is one of annoyance and irritation.  I hate bugs inside my house the most.  Roaches, ants, spiders are bugs I wish I could erradicate entirely from my house and yard.  Our bug problem inside the house comes and goes, we have never been what I call "infested",some months of the year seem worse than others.  Having bugs inside my home does make me feel differently about my house.  It makes me feel like I am not providing a clean environment for my family to live in.  It makes me feel like the house is not clean.

B.  Bugs do get in the way of my life when they are inside the home.  I have a wife and a daughter and neither one wants to pick up a dead roach on the floor or kill a roach, that duty seems to fall on me and it is annoying to stop what I am doing and go and kill some roach and then clean it up.  Bugs just add one more level of irritation to my life I don't need.  We live in an old house and there are a thousand small cracks and crevices that roaches and other bugs can travel into our house through.  If there were no bugs, I would have less anxiety.  It irritates me that sometimes I can't control the environment in my own house and keep it bug free.  Seeing bugs makes me wonder if the house is clean enough.

3.  Fleas at times have been a big problem in our yard at times.  I have a dog and some cats that get fleas on them and it really irritates me.  I am a little more tolerant about the bugs outside the home, I know it is harder to control them.  Having bugs outside the home does make me feel differently about my home, nobody wants the be bitten by fleas or have a bunch of other bugs.

b.  Having fleas in the yard is no fun.  Nobody wants to get bitten by fleas when your are out in the yard.  If the yard was infested with ticks, it could be really alarming for the health issues associated with tick bites.  I would feel relieved if there were no bugs in the yard, less anxiety.

4.  I feel like insecticides are a necessary evil needed to control bugs.  I really don't like spraying poison in the house or yard.  I worry about the harmful effects to all the beneficial insects like bees and the little green lizards, ladybugs, etc.  I also worry about the harmful effects to humans these insecticides have.  I have tried several different treatment options that are "eco friendly", such as cedarcide and diatomaceous earth powder.  Cedarcide is natural cedar sawdust and you just sprinkle it around the yard, diatomaceous earth is a powder that is sprinkled around that yard and in the house too.  Generally, I have found these treatments to be less than effective at controlling bugs.  I do like the idea of a non-poisonous treatment option.