Thursday, November 7, 2013

Over the past year, we have had problems with roaches and fleas in our yard.  This past summer we had problems with roaches and fleas in our front and back yard.  The spot in our back yard that is the hardest spot to deal with is our deck.  I believe it's a problem spot for reasons that I find it difficult to get insecticide under it.  I figure all the bugs are finding a safe haven under the deck.  In this situation I need a product that can be sprayed as far as I can get it under the deck and also something that might last awhile before getting washed away or becoming ineffective.  I spray the whole deck and hope that when it rains, the rain will wash some of the insecticide down through the gaps and under the deck. My family uses the deck frequently, so I don't want something that would be harmful to us or our dog or cat.  I guess this is the trick, to have something safe for humans and pets but deadly to unwanted insects.  My treatment approach has been to use liquid insecticide in a sprayer, sometimes in a pump sprayer and sometimes in a container you attach to your garden hose.  I fiqure the liquid approach might be best because it can be sprayed almost anywhere and like I said, I hope it will wash down between the cracks on the deck and get under there and kill bugs.  My specific goal is to kill roaches and fleas, spiders, etc in and around the yard and house.  My approach of the liquid insecticide seems to work pretty good sometimes and other times maybe not so good.  I don't know if anything was lacking from the products I have used, I think they work pretty well.  I do wish their effectiveness lasted longer, because I really hate to spray that stuff myself.
2. Of all the bug problems I have outside, the biggest frustration has to be the large roaches.  These are the biggest problem because they also like to come inside the house.  Battling roaches seems like a no win situation.  They are tough!  I believe roaches to be very adaptable and resistant to poison.  I wish the insecticide would last longer so I wouldn't have to spray as often.

3.  Over the past year the only other treatment I have used besides insecticide is an organic product called cedarcide.  It's a natural cedar oil treatment that you attatch to the hose and spray around.  Also there was cedar saw dust particles that I sprinkled around the yard.  These were store bought products, but not insecticide treatments.  I do like these ideas for their natural bug fighting ability without harmful poisons, but I don't think they work as well.  Other than this I really didn't have any bug problems that I didn't use insecticide on.

4.  I get advice for the treatment of bugs from lots of places. I rely on advice from friends and family, newspaper columns, radio programs, television shows, neighbors, etc.  You hear about a lot of different approaches for bug problems.  I like Howard Garrett's column in the newspaper, I read the labels of the insecticides I buy for treatment directions.  Internet sources are helpful.  I learned about insecticides with Insect Growth Regulation that helps control flea problems on an internet web page about flea problems for dog owners.  I am open to most any source for insect control.